Privacy Policy

What Information do we collect?

We collect info from blog comments, and forum threads. These comments we use to improve the site. We also use Google Analytics. This is for counting how many visitors we have.

How do we use this information?

We only try to improve your experience via blog comments and forum questions.

How do we use cookies?

We don't put cookies on this site. My host is free, so cookies from my host will be deemed by most browsers as 1st party cookies. 3rd party cookies are from the embedded games and videos we put here as well as anything else. 3rd party cookies can be blocked easily though. In your browser's options look for something like privacy settings or cookies to block them. We are sorry, but we can't control what these 3rd party cookies do.

How do we use PII (personally identifiable information)?

We are not one for tracking people. We don't use this for anything. Unless stated otherwise, you can use anything you want in place of your name as long as it does not contain foul language.